Thursday, March 10, 2011

My thoughts about Camp

Team 5 is going to camp, team 5 are getting packed and ready for camp Take Charge I’m really looking forward to doing lots and lots of activities with my friends it’s going to be fun wondering what sort of activities were going to do will we be doing the same activities as last year or will we be doing something all new, thoughts were filling up in my brain.

As we entered the street after lunch wondering curiously what our groups, this is so nerve racking moment, Miss Tito called out the group and said Mrs. Nua was our Teacher and the leader for Motivtorz, leaders are Sione and Paulitia I stood up wounder Oh No what will be happening I am a leader how will I lead, how will I do it and what if I crash and burn. We went to the hall and did a couple of group activities one was when we had to take our whole group across the hall without touching the floor it was a cool activity.

Anyway I am really looking forward to going to camp Take Charge with all the cool stuff we will be doing.
YEAH MOTIVATORZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

1 comment:

Shontal said...

Heey Sione.

You sure did do a good job being a camp leader for your group.
You made sure that your group was pretty organised. But I think that Respectables won.
Cant wait to see more post's in the future
