Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Great Storm

Once ignited, The Suns powerful Solar winds begin to surge and blow creating a ‘Great Storm’.
These powerful winds known as the Solar winds are made up of atomic particals being blown outward from the ravishing hot Sun, slowly being pushed out just leaving the remaning of the dust and gas out in our Solar System.

With no more gas and dust to help grow the planets, comets, moons, minor planets and astroids. You may have seen it or not but the four inner planets closest to The Sun are much smaller compared to the four outta planets that’s because the four inner planets are much closer to The Sun, they are located where the Solar winds are stronger.

1 comment:

Mr Harris said...

Wow, Sione! That's a lot of information about the Solar System. A graphic or three might also help us to learn more about our amazing 'neighboured'
Mr H