Friday, March 11, 2011

How to put up a tent

Materials: Tent (3 person )
Pegs (12 of)
Poles (3)
Hammer/Mallet (1)
Ropes (8x)

Method: 1. Find a clear level grassed
area away from over hanging branch’s
of tree’s.

2. Open the bag with the tent in it.

3. Take out your tent also unfold it on the ground away from over hanging

4. Grab the little bag full of peg’s and pole’s and take them out and lay them out.

5. Connect the 3 poles together and line it up because there is 2 long poles and 1
short pole.

6. Connect the poles to the tent in an angle and clip it up and tie the poles with the
tie on the top of the tent.

7. Connect the poles to the corner of the tent where you will hammer in the pegs.

8. Tie the top of the tent ( it look like a shoe lace) tie it so the poles don’t spring off.

9. Now once you have tied the shoe lace to the poles so they don’t spring off and you
found a good space where you are comfortable at you can put on the ‘fly’ which
covers the tent from bad weather.

10. When you have finished hammer the fly to the ground.

11. Then your DONE!!! you have succefuly built a tent.

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